Time To Heal

As a society, we have gotten so far away from being compassionate, sympathetic and loving to one another. We’ve abandoned the very emotions that are the perks to being a human being. We feel deeply, love hard and hurt just as hard, but we don’t reach across the table or aisle anymore. We stopped extending our hands to help the person who has fallen down and have replaced it with scrutiny and disdain. We are so diluted with emotional numbness that we have actually convinced ourselves when someone hurts another person, its the person who’s been hurt fault. I see all of this and I feel that now more than ever, it’s time to heal. It’s time to hold those accountable for their wrong doing, and hug those who have been hurt by it. It’s time to take a step back from your own selfish feelings, to grasp what the other person may be feeling. It’s time to heal one another and get back to the core of what humanity really is. God created us to love, help one another and be better versions of ourselves by the time we leave this place.

Victims of rape have so much trauma during and after their attack that they don’t need the extra burden of society’s opinions and attacks on a crime they didn’t suffer at the hands of. They don’t need harsh words from women who if the tables were turned, could very well be them. They need the justice system to stand up and fight for the innocent and not seek to protect the guilty. They need the assurance that no matter what they wore or how much they drank; their body is their own and nobody has a right to violate it. They need to know that although this incident will be a memory deeply embedded in their mind, we as a people are here to help them heal.

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