Foolish things in our youth…

When you think of some foolish things you’ve done in your youth, what are some things you think of? Well for me I would say violating curfew, “borrowing” my mother’s car and getting in trouble in school. I don’t think about rape. Rape to me is not a foolish thing you do or better yet, a teenage mistake. However, when following the David Becker case, the judge stated that his reasoning for not issuing him the two-year jail punishment  for raping two unconscious females is because he didn’t want him to have long time effects from a “foolish, teenage mistake.” Please tell me where has raping someone ever been considered a mistake? How do you mistakenly pin someone down against their will and strip them of what does not belong to you? Instances like this are another form of victim shaming. To me, the judge was blatantly stating to the victim that this was a mistake and because he was young he shouldn’t have to suffer…..but what about her? How about how their youth is now changed because of this so called mistake?

As usual, the justice system favors those it shouldn’t and those who have been hurt, harmed, and oppressed are not protected. The judge in this case failed these victims and because of his serious lack of judgement in issuing the right punishment, he has shamed the victims who will have to live with this “mistake” for the rest of their lives.

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