Prostitutes can’t be raped…can they?

So a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon an article by the Chicago Sun Times referencing how people who have sex for money are not capable of being victims of rape. The absurdity that surrounds this statement is not just ignorant, but highly insensitive to someone who could possibly suffer from this. It also gives men who seek out this time of encounter a free pass to commit such a ludicrous act because of the career someone may have chosen. Now I’m sure you’re thinking, did she just say career? Well my answer to that is yes. Whether you choose to label it as such it is a job that someone is being paid to do. It may not be your career of choice, but it is still a job.  After reading the article, I was appalled at the fact she felt that a prostitute claiming rape minimizes the actual form of rape and victims who actually have been raped. She also went on to say that when you choose this career path, things like sexual assault are nothing more than an occupational hazard. It saddened me to see how a woman could honestly victim shame another woman on account of someone else’s vile and cruel behavior.

I will agree that when you participate in this field, you do have a higher risk of something dangerous like rape occurring. However, I cannot agree that because of this choice, you are fair game to being raped and its okay for someone to rape you because IT IS NOT!! To me that’s like saying oh you chose to be a police officer, so you should expect to be shot and killed. See how that doesn’t make sense? I just think that when people make these types of statements, they really don’t think about the after effects of what their statements do to other people. Regardless, of what you do for a living; rape is rape and that’s never okay.

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